State Rep. John Damoose last week voted to fund five outdoor projects in Northern Michigan and the Eastern Upper Peninsula.
Damoose, R-Harbor Springs, and the Michigan House of Representatives on Thursday approved Senate Bill 1028, to support a variety of land acquisition and development efforts with resources from the state’s constitutionally mandated Natural Resources Trust Fund.
“State and community parks showcase the gorgeous scenery of Northern Michigan and the Eastern Upper Peninsula,” Damoose said. “By expanding land, trails, and facilities at our parks, these projects will promote outdoor recreation, provide environmental conservation, and pass on historical education.”
The plan will provide $865,300 to help Emmet County’s Littlefield Township acquire a 15-acre portion of land that previously functioned as railroad right-of-way. The land, which abuts the North Western State Trail, will be used to improve the trail by enabling future non-motorized trail realignment. The property will also accommodate snowmobilers. The city of Petoskey will receive $187,500 to help it acquire 58 acres of inholding in the Skyline Recreation Area, which will enable the city to increase conservation and forest management efforts while boosting recreation.
Another $298,000 will go to Petoskey for construction of a pavilion over the hockey rink at its Winter Sports Park. The project will also add a rain garden to utilize water runoff and solar panels to save money by providing electricity. Clark Township in Mackinac County will receive $200,300 to help develop a four-mile trail network at Peek-A-Boo Hill, for mountain biking and other non-motorized travel.
Additionally, $300,000 will support a development project as part of the Straits of Mackinac Heritage Center in Straits State Park. The Learning Commons Building will educate the public about the local Anishinaabe and French heritage.
Trust fund resources will supplement existing project funding.
The governor is expected to sign SB 1028 into law soon.

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