Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Clements approves plan to bring traffic relief to intersection of Secor and Smith
RELEASE|March 24, 2022

Lawmaker worked to obtain $5 million in state funding for project

State Rep. TC Clements today voted in support of a supplemental budget plan that dedicates federal stimulus dollars to local infrastructure projects, including a local Secor Road expansion project.

The project will relieve congestion and improve transit through the busy intersection at Smith Road, shortening commute times, improving safety and making local businesses more easily accessible to patrons. Clements spent the last year working to obtain the needed $5 million to improve the road.

“While I am not happy to see the federal government shell out more stimulus dollars, placing more debt on the backs of our children in the future, I am pleased to see our state government using those dollars wisely and efficiently by funding infrastructure projects like ours that will leave lasting results and ultimately save taxpayer dollars by acting proactively instead of retroactively,” Clements said. “This key southwest intersection in our county serves commuters from almost all the communities that I represent. Securing this funding will positively impact thousands of my neighbors who have expressed frustration with this intersection as well as visitors to our area.”

The project will expand Secor Road from the border of Michigan and Ohio through Smith Road to reduce congestion of traffic flow. Engineers and surveyors are currently working with the Monroe County Road Commission, who will oversee and manage the project, about where turn lanes need to be added in and exactly how many lanes will be needed.

The budget supplemental that includes the Secor Road improvement project was approved by the House and will soon head to the governor for consideration.


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