Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Cavitt to governor: Northern Michigan is more than just Traverse City
RELEASE|January 25, 2024
Contact: Cam Cavitt

State Rep. Cam Cavitt, R-Cheboygan, released the following statement Wednesday regarding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address. The governor called for several expensive new programs, including tax rebates for electric vehicles.

“The governor touted all her so-called successes from last year without acknowledging the people those policies will affect the most. The income tax hike and green energy policy are going to have a devasting impact on my community. Yet, tonight, the governor celebrated that devastation.

“People in Northeast Michigan face rising grocery, electric, and energy costs. Yet Democrats, even after blowing through a $9 billion budget surplus last year, still fought to keep income tax high. It’s devasting to see the state force high taxes and spend historic amounts while ignoring Northern Michigan.

“The governor’s new energy plan is hitting our rural communities hard. A significant biomass power plant in Lincoln, Michigan, just announced it would be closing. These policies put folks out of a job and pile additional pressure on struggling families. Green energy policy may play well in Traverse City. But, the governor needs to realize Northern Michigan extends far beyond Traverse City.”


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