Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Cavitt introduces bill to extend muzzleloader season, address deer overpopulation
RELEASE|November 8, 2023
Contact: Cam Cavitt

Rep. Cam Cavitt today introduced legislation extending muzzleloader season from 10 to 14 days. His plan would address deer overpopulation by writing a guaranteed two full muzzleloader weekends into state law.

“Deer season is another holiday for folks up North,” said Cavitt, R-Cheboygan. “Hunting allows all people to play a part in maintaining our great outdoors. It’s a time for families. This legislation guarantees us more time to keep our deer populations in check and make those memories with our families.”

Hunters in Michigan were allowed up to 15 days for muzzleloading season up until a few years ago, Cavitt said. The Natural Resources Commission opted to cut the season due to an expansion of late-antlerless season. Increasing deer populations have spurred reports of rising crop damage and the spread of illnesses like chronic wasting disease and Lyme disease. This happens as the state reports record low numbers of deer tags being filled each year.

“Disease is running rampant, and we can’t get people to fill tags,” Cavitt said. “Younger generations just aren’t as interested in hunting. We need to expand the season to allow avid outdoorsman the time to fill their tags and help us get the deer population back under control.”

HB 5395 will now be referred to committee for further consideration.

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