Wednesday, May 17
I voted NO on SB(s) 173, 178, 186, 194, 195, 197, 199, 200, and 201 (Sen(s). Camilleri, Klinefelt, Bayer, Cavanagh, Hertel, Irwin, and McCann) FY 23-24 Senate Budget Appropriations. EXPLANATION: These budgets are almost identical to the budgets that we just voted on last week. I will not support a budget that includes mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion indoctrination for government employees, and gives exorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars in handouts to politically connected businesses.
I voted NO on HB 4375 (Rep. Grant) would amend the Land Bank Fast Track Act by expanding the ability to form a land bank to cities with a population over 50,000 and located in a county that does not have a land bank authority at the time the city establishes one. EXPLANATION: Land banks historically make corrupt decisions that transfer wealth and property to their friends and special interest groups.
PASSED: 57-50
Thursday, May 18
I voted NO on HB 4176 and SB 32 (Rep. Carter and Sen. Santana) would allow police agencies to recover the cost of sponsoring an individual through a police training academy if the individual leaves employment within a short period of time. EXPLANATION: This is an unnecessary burden that may result in more costs to the taxpayer.

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