Tuesday, April 25
I voted NO on HR 81 (Rep. V. Paiz) which is a resolution to declare April 25, 2023, as Librarian and Library Worker Day in the state of Michigan. EXPLANATION: This was a political stunt that wasn’t about librarians, but rather incorporated various social justice items. If politicians just made a resolution commending librarians, without subtly glorifying libraries that offer drag shows and other controversial things to children, this resolution would have been appropriate.
PASSED: 56-53
Wednesday, April 26
I voted NO on SB 97 (Sen. Bellino) and HB 4054 (Rep. VanWoerkom) would amend the Use Tax Act by clarifying that the industrial processing exemption for machinery and equipment used in aggregate production is applicable as long as either sales or use tax is paid on the product and would amend the General Sales Tax Act by clarifying how the industrial processing exemption applies to aggregate production. EXPLANATION: Exempting only aggregate production doesn’t close the loophole for other industries to be improperly taxed.
SB 97 PASSED: 86-22
HB 4054 PASSED: 85-23
I voted YES on SB 160 (Sen. Singh) amends the Reporting Tax Information Act by updating references to the Use Tax Act. EXPLANATION: This will amend language for the tax cut on driving and installation fees.
PASSED: 92-16
I voted NO on SB 259 (Sen. Wojno) would expand the Michigan Election Law to add provisions that allow any person living overseas to register and vote absentee. EXPLANATION: Absentee ballot envelopes that are missing postmarks should not be counted. We should be assuring voters that ballots cast by mail are secure and not creating potential opportunities for fraud by allowing ballots without proper postmarks to be counted.
PASSED: 56-52
I voted NO on HB 4146-48 (Reps. Breen, Puri, Brixie, and Young) would amend multiple sections of this state’s firearms laws to complement the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act created by HB 4145 (Puri). EXPLANATION: These bills would create a method by which a court can order the seizure of a person’s firearms, even though the person was not given notice or an opportunity to defend the accusations against them, violating their constitutionally protected rights.
Thursday, April 27
I voted NO on SB 18 (Sen. Chang) would amend Public Act 225 of 2003 by designating January 30th of each year as Fred Korematsu Day in Michigan. EXPLANATION: Fred Korematsu did a great service for our country by standing up against the injustices of the FDR administration for interning Japanese Americans (once again, another example of racist left-wing policies). That said, the Legislature needs to work on legislation addressing inflation, unemployment, and corrupt deals in Lansing, not more days of remembrance.
PASSED: 104-3

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