Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Cam Cavitt: Stalled Marshall project undeserving of taxpayer dollars
RELEASE|September 27, 2023
Contact: Cam Cavitt

State Rep. Cam Cavitt, of Cheboygan, issued the following statement after Ford confirmed it is pausing construction of its forthcoming Blue Oval plant in Marshall, a project receiving more than $1.7 billion in state incentives. The company said it is not confident in its ability to run the plant competitively:

“Gov. Whitmer and Lansing Democrats handed out $1.7 billion in corporate welfare to lure this project to Marshall earlier this year, and now, Ford is questioning whether it’s smart to invest in Michigan. The governor’s proposed energy mandates are too radical and anti-business, and will certainly raise already troublesome electricity costs in Michigan. Ford chose Tennessee over our state for a previous project, which led to this hurried investment that also invited the Chinese Communist Party into our state. I voted against this plan in the first place and have since urged my genuine concerns to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Tax hikes and red tape are deterring business and ravaging job prospects for hard-working Michiganders.

“This should serve as a warning to the Democrats in majority – their anti-worker agenda is bad for our residents and our state. We should alter our route now to prevent hardworking Michigan residents from suffering, or leaving, as industries face more challenges and opportunities dwindle. Instead, it’s time to invest in Michigan infrastructure and public safety to bolster a competitive statewide economy to attract business opportunities and careers.”

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