Rep. Tommy Brann today voted in favor of income tax relief for Michigan workers, families and seniors.
“The price of just about everything is going up because of inflation. I feel it when I buy food and supplies as a restaurant owner, and I know families all across Michigan feel it too,” said Brann, of Wyoming, after the Michigan House approved tax cuts. “We’ve got to provide some relief, and reducing the income tax for workers, families and retirees is a great way to do that. People will be able to keep more of their own money in their pockets at a time they really need it. I would support even more income tax relief for Michiganders, but this bill we approved today is a great step forward.”
Senate Bill 768 provides an estimated $2.5 billion in tax relief, which would be ongoing annually. It starts with rolling back the income tax rate to 3.9 percent – down from the current 4.25 percent – for all individual payers of the Michigan income tax.
Seniors would be in line for additional relief. The income exempted from taxes for those 62 and older would rise to $20,000 for individual filers and $40,000 for joint filers. An additional exemption would be applied specifically to retirement income – also at $20,000 for single filers and $40,000 for joint filers. The plan also provides more relief for families through a $500-per-child income tax credit.
Brann, seeking more relief for taxpayers, offered an amendment that would have increased the personal exemption to $7,000. The amendment was not approved as part of the final plan.
Brann also voted in favor of House Bill 5054, which provides $1.5 billion in one-time funding to reduce debt and improve the finances of public employee retirement systems. Most of the funding would go to pension plans for local governments and road commissions, with an additional $350 million to improve financing in the Michigan State Police retirement system.
Brann chairs a subcommittee overseeing the Michigan State Police budget.
“These are heroes working day and night to keep us safe, and risking their own lives to do it,” Brann said of the Michigan State Police. “We’ve got to make sure their retirement benefits are secure.”

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