Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Bezotte’s legislative update – April 27, 2023
RELEASE|April 27, 2023
Contact: Bob Bezotte

Our troops are selfless and courageous. Considering all the sacrifices they make for our country, providing a way for veterans to enjoy the great outdoors when they return home is just one of the many ways we can show our gratitude.

That’s why I am co-sponsoring legislation that would allow veterans to obtain hunting and fishing licenses for free in Michigan.

The state currently offers free licenses to full-time active-duty members of the military and 100-percent disabled veterans. Under the new legislation, House Bill 4441, any Michigan resident who is a veteran would be able to receive free access to any hunting or fishing license that is not obtained through a lottery.

Veterans give so much for our country and our freedoms. Offering them opportunities to take part in these Pure Michigan pastimes allows us, as a state, to show our gratitude for everything they have sacrificed.


I’m happy to report that the House has approved my plan to designate February 1 of each year as Blue Star Mothers Day in Michigan. It received unanimous approval on April 20, and now advances to the state Senate for further consideration.

Founded in Michigan, Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a national organization comprised of mothers of members of the military. They pack and ship thousands of care packages every year to service members deployed overseas. They also volunteer to help homeless veterans, provide support for wounded warriors, visit hospitalized veterans, honor fallen heroes during funeral services, and offer a compassionate community for the loved ones of those serving in harm’s way.

At a time when so much of what we do has us divided, it was great to see such widespread support for an organization that certainly deserves recognition.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office by calling (517) 373-3906 or emailing [email protected]. I am always happy to hear from people in our community.


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