Michigan House Republicans
Rep. BeGole: National Popular Vote proposal is wrong for Michigan
RELEASE|April 13, 2023
Contact: Brian BeGole

State Rep. Brian BeGole, of Antrim Township, today voiced strong opposition against Democrat-driven legislation that diminishes the voices of state voters.

House Bill 4156 would enter Michigan into the National Popular Vote compact with 15 other states and the District of Columbia. This awards all of Michigan’s electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote.

“People in areas I represent in Shiawassee, Genesee and Saginaw counties want their voices to decide where Michigan dedicates its electoral votes. They don’t want big population centers in other states to dictate our electoral votes,” BeGole said. “This plan is not the right approach for our state or our residents. It rigs our process and caters it to what one side of the aisle prioritizes – large, liberal cities – over what our Constitution lays out and what our forefathers had the knowledge to see.”

For the last general election in 2020, almost 3 million people turned out to vote in New York City. Another 4.3 million votes were cast in Los Angeles. Combined, those two cities alone dwarfed Michigan’s record-breaking statewide turnout of 5.5 million votes.

BeGole underscored a hypothetical situation where Michigan voters could resoundingly vote for one candidate to receive the state’s electoral votes, but have to surrender those votes to a different candidate who won the popular vote nationally.

“The Electoral College is already weighted to give bigger states more electors,” BeGole said. “This is about making sure Michigan’s votes reflect Michigan voices.”

The legislation remains under consideration in the House Elections Committee.

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