State Rep. Greg Alexander fought for the priorities of rural communities and residents this week with proposed amendments to budget plans for the state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Amendments proposed by Alexander and state Rep. Ken Borton included $1 million for dam repairs on state-owned lands, as well as $600,000 for Sportsmen Against Hunger – a nonprofit that processes and donates venison to local food banks. Alexander’s amendments also included encouraging the United States Department of Agriculture to harvest deer in bovine tuberculosis areas, deer harvest check stations for Chronic Wasting Disease, timber marketing reporting, snowmobile law enforcement grants for county sheriffs, and marine safety grants for county sheriffs.
The Democrat majority on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development and Natural Resources did not adopt the amendments.
“Our rural communities must have their voices heard as the budget process plays out,” said Alexander, of Carsonville, who serves on the subcommittee. “These recommendations came directly from residents, job providers, industry leaders, wildlife experts and law enforcement personnel throughout our areas – and locals they know their needs better than Lansing. It’s extremely disappointing these amendments were not incorporated into the plan that will be moving forward.”
Alexander has consistently underscored reckless government spending during the current legislative term, and an additional amendment would have eliminated more than $5.5 million in unnecessary spending. Democrats on the committee also rejected this amendment.
“The budget for the current fiscal year committed over $80 billion to state spending. I talk with people every day who are concerned about their own budgets as it relates to the high costs of everyday expenditures like gas and groceries. State government’s budget is doing just fine, and we should slash spending and let people who are struggling keep more of their hard-earned money.”
House Bills 5511-12, which contain the appropriations bills for the upcoming fiscal year, will now be considered by the House Appropriations Committee.
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