By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel
During the past legislative term, Michigan Superintendent Dr. Rice along with Democrat members of the House Education Committee have called for a crackdown on homeschooling in the State of Michigan.
Parents know what’s best for their kids, and if they choose to homeschool their child, they should be free to do so without pressure, intimidation, or overly burdensome regulations from Lansing bureaucrats.
The reasoning stated from Dr. Rice and Legislative Democrats for why these bills are going to be introduced is to “protect children from abuse.” I find that incredibly insulting to parents who sacrifice so much for their children and have decided they want to take on the responsibility of educating their kids themselves. Michigan has a hard enough time ensuring children in our public schools are free from abuse, so the absolute last thing the state should do is go after hardworking parents when the state is already failing in its current duties.
As a member of the House Education Committee, I’ll be fighting for the principle that parents know best. I will certainly be voting against any bill that disenfranchises parents by adding unnecessary regulations to their chosen method of education their child.
As always, I appreciate hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office at 517-373-1799 or at [email protected] if you have any comments or concerns about this legislation, or any other legislation that may come before the Michigan House.

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