Michigan House Republicans
My Fall Priorities
RELEASE|August 31, 2023

As the Legislature is set to being our fall session schedule, I wanted to lay out some of my priorities and potential legislation that may be coming down the pipeline that impacts the lives of Southwest Michigan residents.

Protecting Michigan’s Energy Future

I’ve written about this topic numerous times, but the decisions that will be made in Lansing regarding Michigan’s energy future that will last for generations.  Under the Democrats radical proposal, all sources of energy in our state must be derived from 100% carbon free sources by 2035.  This prematurely shuts down base load power generation like natural gas, it strands residents who rely on propane to heat their homes in the winter, and it will drastically raise costs on Michigan families.  The cost to implement a 100% renewable energy portfolio is in the hundreds of billions of dollars range, and at the end of the day, Michigan rate payers will be footing the bill.  If Democrats get their way, your rates will go up – period.

Protecting Small Businesses From Tax Increases

Recently, it was announced that the governor would call for legislation that would create a new state program that would operate similar to Michigan’s unemployment agency to provide a new entitlement program.  This program will allegedly be paid for by Michigan small businesses. 

I work with a lot of state departments every day, and by far the most incompetent is the unemployment agency.  Billions of dollars in fraud were paid out during the pandemic to fraudsters while people who were forced out of their jobs were left for months on end without an income.  Modeling any department after the failed UIA is foolish, and kicking small businesses while they’re down is just cruel.  I’ll be watching this upcoming speech and keeping an eye on any legislation Michigan Democrats introduce that will negatively impact small businesses in our community.

Keeping Focused on Local Issues

The most important job of a state representative is to be the voice of their communities in Lansing.  Throughout my tenure, I’m beyond proud the best bills I’ve had signed into law have come directly from Southwest Michigan residents.  I continue to regularly meet with residents across Michigan’s 39th District and discuss ideas that can make the lives of the people I serve easier.  As I fight against radical proposals, I’ll always keep an open line of communication with local residents and fight to advance their priorities in Lansing.

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