The Michigan House today approved Rep. Tommy Brann’s plan to provide permanent and stable funding for a program that helps protect people in rural Michigan communities.
The state’s secondary road patrol program provides resources to help county sheriff departments patrol roads located outside of cities and villages. Brann helps sponsor a plan that would provide $15 million for the program each year by dedicating a portion of liquor taxes already collected by the state. The change would not affect the taxes paid by consumers in any way.
“The brave men and women in law enforcement have one of the most important jobs in the world,” said Brann, of Wyoming. “This change will help make sure they have the resources to stay on the job and keep our communities safe.
“The secondary road patrol program has been underfunded for a long time and the Legislature has had to do quick fixes year after year. That stops today with these bills. We are resolving this once and for all and helping make sure that when you call the police in Michigan, they will have officers to respond – no matter where you live.”
The secondary road patrol program is currently paid for through an assessment on traffic tickets, but that revenue has declined in recent years. Revenue from the liquor tax, on the other hand, has risen in recent years.
Brann said a dedicated funding source will keep more sheriffs’ deputies on the road. The number of deputies supported by the secondary road patrol program peaked in 2001, but has declined since as funding has fallen. That is particularly problematic because most traffic accidents handled by sheriffs’ departments in Michigan occur on secondary roads.
House Bills 5569, 5732, 5772 and 5773 advance to the Senate for further consideration.
Brann chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military and Veterans Affairs and State Police. This week, the subcommittee began advancing a related budget proposal that reflects the additional support for secondary road patrols. House Bill 5790 also includes more resources for law enforcement recruitment and retention, communications towers, and the Michigan State Police.
The budget measure advances to the House Appropriations Committee for further consideration.

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