Leutheuser: Rate relief arrives July 1; drivers to see greater than anticipated savings
RELEASE|May 12, 2020

House car insurance website includes a how-to guide for drivers to receive savings

State Rep. Eric Leutheuser today announced the House Select Committee on Reducing Car Insurance Rates – the legislative panel that led efforts to reform Michigan’s no-fault car insurance system – has added helpful new information to its website at www.ReduceMiRatesNow.com.

The website will serve as a user-friendly platform for Michigan drivers to familiarize themselves with the new law set to roll out July 1. Leutheuser, of Hillsdale, cast his vote to approve the historic overhaul, which includes choices for drivers on the medical portion of insurance policies, measures to crack down on rampant fraud and abuse, guaranteed savings for every Michigan driver and more.

“We are rapidly approaching July 1 – a day which holds great significance for Branch and Hillsdale county drivers and motorists across Michigan,” Leutheuser said. “On July 1, Michigan’s reputation of having the highest car insurance rates in the nation finally comes to an end. Long overdue, guaranteed rate relief is on the way for every Michigan driver. I encourage everyone to plan ahead and begin familiarizing themselves with our state’s newly revamped no-fault system. To help serve as a consumer education resource, the House has restructured its ReduceMiRatesNow website to help walk drivers through the upcoming changes.”

Leutheuser personally made reforming Michigan’s car insurance system a top priority to help save drivers money.

ReduceMiRatesNow features all the available personal injury protection (PIP) coverage levels and a guide for each option drivers may utilize to familiarize themselves with the forms they will be expected to fill out in the coming weeks. The how-to guides detail the steps drivers will need to take to choose a coverage option that best meets their budget needs.

In addition to becoming familiar with the sample PIP and bodily injury forms, Leutheuser recommends drivers start shopping around for the lowest rates possible as insurance providers make them available.

“Nearly 40 percent of the insurance providers that make up Michigan’s car insurance market have had their rates approved by state regulators, and data shows all of the rates exceed the savings mandated by the new law,” Leutheuser said. “This is great news for every driver and shows just how effective the reforms the Legislature approved really are. In addition to shopping for the lowest rates available, I recommend drivers consult with an insurance agent they trust to help them determine coverage options.”


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