House Republican Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, on Wednesday issued the following statement as the House reconvened for the first time in two months, now with 54 Republicans and 54 Democrats. Hall has called for discussions about how the equal parties can share power to facilitate bipartisan work, but the Democrat leadership refused to take action on his resolution that would have established a framework agreement.
“Shared power has begun. Although Democrats didn’t take up any bills, hold any committees, or record any votes on our first day back, House Republicans were here and ready to get to work. We will keep focusing on the needs of Michigan residents, working to find common ground, and pursuing solutions to make our state a better place to live. Democrat leaders chose to ignore my shared power resolution, but I hope they’ll change their tune and help us craft an economic growth strategy, fix our roads, help students achieve, and make our state safer. That’s what the people of Michigan deserve.”
Hall’s House Resolution 171 would require the House of Representatives to approve a power-sharing agreement anytime the House has an equal number of Democrats and Republicans at any time during the 102nd Legislature. Democrats did not allow Hall to formally introduce the resolution before they ended the legislative session last November — the earliest adjournment in 55 years. The resolution was formally read into session today, but Democrats did not hold a vote, allow Hall to speak to the resolution, or refer the resolution to committee.

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