The Michigan House has approved Rep. Bronna Kahle’s plan to improve the state’s adoption and foster care system.
The measure is part of a greater bipartisan plan to make critical improvements in quality and access to Michigan’s child welfare system based on recommendations from the Adoption and Foster Care Task Force Report in November. Kahle, of Adrian, served on the bipartisan task force and helped compile the report that highlights several major areas of improvement and proposed specific recommendations that form the basis for this legislative package.
Kahle’s House Bill 5801 creates the Foster Care Improvement Commission, which would meet periodically to research best practices in foster care, recommend improvements to the child welfare system, and publish an annual report on their findings, among other activities. Members of the commission would be appointed by all three branches of government.
“Foster care in Michigan needs more stability, more transparency, and more accountability. Our state typically has more than 10,000 Michigan children in foster care and every one of these precious kids deserves a chance at a bright future,” Kahle said. “A coordinated action plan from a dedicated commission will help bridge unidentified gaps that currently exist in the system and provide continuity and accountability for years to come. This is all about making sure Michigan’s young people in the foster care system have the best chance at growing up in a loving family, giving them the best chance at growing up to be a successful, thriving, and healthy adult.”
The plan was approved with overwhelming support and now moves to the state Senate for further consideration.

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