Michigan House Republicans
Growing Michigan
RELEASE|July 11, 2023

By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel

Earlier this year, the Legislature passed a law creating a population commission that will advise the governor on specific policies that Michigan can implement to help stem the tide of population loss and create a better environment that will grow our population.  By law, one of the members of the commission must be a Republican member of the House, and I’m proud to have been nominated to serve in this position.

If my nomination is accepted by the governor, I’ll be one of only a few members of the 28-member commission under 40, meaning that I’ll provide a perspective and recommendations that are desperately needed to attract young people and new families.  When I graduated college at the height of the Granholm Lost Decade, I watched as most of my friends fled a dying and decaying state to seek new and better opportunities. In 2010, Republicans swept every statewide office, the House, Senate, and implemented policies that stopped the bleeding.  Unfortunately, in the first 6 months of this new Legislature, those polices are being repealed, and Michigan is once again losing population.

As a former employee of the North Berrien Historical Museum, I know first-hand that history repeats itself. If appointed, my focus will be on proven, historical measures that actually work. To grow our state, we need robust infrastructure, an educated workforce, a climate where job creators can thrive, and recreational opportunities for young families.

On the commission, I’ll advocate for a simple, low tax structure.  I’ll advocate for investing our state resources into infrastructure projects, not long-term government programs, and I’ll push policies that will get government out of the way so local job creators can thrive. As always, I appreciate hearing from you.  If you have ideas on how to help grow Michigan, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 517-373-1799 or at [email protected].

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