State Rep. Pat Outman is encouraging Montcalm and Ionia County farmers affected by crop damage from deer to request special permits from the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) so they may hunt the deer off their fields outside of the regular hunting season.
Crop damage by deer is a significant issue in the area, given the large deer population in rural communities. Deer often feed on corn, soybeans, and other local crops, leading to reduced yields and significant financial losses for farmers.
The DNR has worked with farmers to find solutions to mitigate the impact of deer on agriculture, ultimately developing a system for permitting deer hunting for approved farmland outside of the regular hunting season.
Rep. Outman is partnering with the DNR to raise awareness for these permits so that local farmers do not lose any more of their crops this season.
“Having grown up on a family farm, I’m passionate about supporting our local growers,” said Outman, who serves on the board of the Montcalm County Farm Bureau. “I’ve heard from local farmers who are suffering at the hands of crop damage, and I know there are many others in the same boat. DNR officials are eager to help and are very responsive to calls about this issue. I appreciate their help in protecting our local farms.”
Farmers in need of a crop damage permit should collaborate with the local DNR office by calling (616) 794-2658.
Outman also encourages anyone who experiences trouble contacting the local DNR office, or who has any other concerns, to contact his Lansing office by phone at (517) 373-3436 or by email at [email protected].

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