Michigan House Republicans
Energy Insanity
RELEASE|April 20, 2023

In an earlier op-ed, I wrote about the need for a measured, commonsense energy policy as the state reacts to the devastating ice storms that hit our communities earlier this year.  Instead of following a reliable, well-proven and scientific approach, Senate Democrats have sent out a press release, severely lacking in detail, saying that they’re introducing legislation to create a 100% clean energy mandate in the state of Michigan by 2035.

This shouldn’t be mistaken for bold, it’s economic suicide. While renewable energy sources like wind and solar have made significant strides in recent years, they still account for just a small fraction of our total energy mix. Completely eliminating sources of energy that aren’t renewable will put Michigan in the same boat as California – too much demand without enough generation to support it. Rolling brownouts will paralyze communities and our grid will fall into disrepair. Our nation and state’s energy security depends on reliable and affordable access to energy, and we cannot risk destabilizing our energy grid by relying solely on intermittent renewable sources.

Rather than pursuing unrealistic and unachievable goals for 100% renewable energy in a decade, we must focus on pursuing a balanced and pragmatic energy policy that promotes energy security, environmental protection, and economic growth. This means promoting innovation and investment in all forms of energy, from renewables to natural gas, to nuclear power.  

As the Republican Leader of the Energy, Communications and Technology Committee, my goal as part of any energy policy re-write is to pursue common-sense solutions that recognizes the realities of the energy landscape, not what we wish they were.

Working together we must set partisanship and talking points aside and build a brighter and more sustainable energy future for every Michigan resident.

Michigan House Republicans

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