Michigan House Republicans
Employer-funded post-abortion healthcare violates religious liberty
RELEASE|May 4, 2023
Contact: Joseph Fox

By State Rep. Joseph Fox, of Fremont

Senate Bill 147 would establish workplace protections for employees who have abortions. It does so by amending Michigan’s Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) – an anti-discrimination law – to include “the termination of a pregnancy” among the list of reasons why an employer could not discriminate against an employee. At present, bosses cannot treat their workers differently based on their being pregnant or having children, and the bill would ensure workers who have abortions would enjoy the same protections.

Notably, the bill would force employers to provide the same healthcare benefits for women who have babies and women who have abortions. For example, just as women use maternal leave to spend time with their newborns, so too would women who have abortions have the right to paid time off. Further, whatever benefits a pregnant woman may receive during and after childbirth would also be given to women post-abortion. Any employer-funded healthcare plan or benefit system would be affected, as “abortion leave” and “abortion healthcare benefits” will become the norm in Michigan workplaces should this bill become law.

SB 147 claims to prevent discrimination but completely ignores any conscience or religious-based objection employers may have to providing post-abortion care for their employees. Even faith-based institutions who similarly object to abortion, like the YMCA or the Catholic Church, would be required to provide benefits for this. Freedom of religion is a constitutional right. Once again, in an attempt to prevent discrimination, Democrats target religious institutions that don’t agree with their progressive ethics.

I am firmly pro-life and will not support bills that even indirectly facilitate abortions. No business owner should be compelled by the state government to violate his or her conscience on a moral issue or be faced with lawsuits.

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