Michigan House Republicans
COLUMN: Democrats’ new education budget is a disservice to Michigan children, teachers
RELEASE|August 8, 2024
Contact: Jaime Greene

By State Rep. Jaime Greene, R-Richmond

On July 23, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a budget that falls miserably short of what our students and educators deserve. It cuts school safety funding, fails to invest more into our classrooms through per-pupil funding, and jeopardizes the future of our teachers’ retirements. I voted against this budget because it is a direct attack on our children’s future and safety.

Even the school unions and associations have voiced their disappointment with this budget. They are upset about the lack of an increase in the per-pupil foundation allowance and the shocking $302 million cut to school safety and mental health funding. This budget is a disaster, and it’s clear for all to see.

For the first time since 2011, the budget does not increase the per-pupil foundation allowance, the primary funding source for public schools. Taking inflation into account, this budget effectively decreases funding; the $9,608 per pupil now has the purchasing power of only $9,331 from last year. School leaders are already warning that this will result in cuts and layoffs at many Michigan schools.

As a Bridge Michigan report recently pointed out, Democrats allocated $67 million in the education budget for pet projects in their own districts. Private organizations are even receiving “education” earmarks, such as the Detroit Opera ($800,000), Detroit Science Center ($500,000), Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit ($1 million), and Marygrove Film School ($2.1 million).

All told, more than $400 million is being spent on special projects between the school budget and the omnibus budget that includes the rest of the state’s spending. If this $400 million were instead directed to per-pupil funding, it would provide a $289 increase per student, enough to offset inflation.

Our students should feel safe and supported at school, yet this budget cuts school safety and mental health funding by an alarming 92%. The impact of such drastic cuts is staggering. According to data from the House Fiscal Agency, school districts will suffer significant losses in funding for safety and mental health resources. For instance, Detroit Public Schools will lose an estimated $10.2 million, and Oxford Community Schools will lose $1.6 million.

School leaders are rightfully outraged by these severe cuts. Schools have relied on these funds to hire school resource officers, counselors, enhance security measures, and expand mental health programs. The massive reduction in funding will lead to layoffs and program cuts, leaving our children more vulnerable.

Additionally, the Democrats’ budget raids the teacher pension fund, diverting money that should go toward teachers’ retirements and delaying the reduction of the $30 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. This move threatens the pension fund’s future stability and risks shortfalls in the coming years. It endangers teachers’ hard-earned retirements and could force further cuts to children’s education to cover retired teachers’ pensions.

As a mom, I want my kids and all Michigan kids to have a quality education in a safe environment. This budget fails to provide that. It cuts essential school safety resources, jeopardizes the future of our teachers’ pensions, and prioritizes spending for hand-picked winners over equitable funding that benefits kids throughout Michigan.

Every single Democrat in Lansing voted for this disgraceful budget. Now, they’re going to have to answer to their constituents, and it’s not going to be an easy conversation. How do they justify cutting $302 million from school safety and mental health funding? How do they look parents and teachers in the eye and explain why there’s no increase in per-pupil funding? Our children and educators deserve far better than what this budget delivers.


State Rep. Jaime Greene serves the 65th House District, which covers portions of eastern Lapeer, western St. Clair, and northern Macomb counties. She is the minority vice chair of the House Education Committee.

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