Well, I came up short on Tuesday. Losing hurts, but that comes with the territory when you serve as an elected official.
The main thing I feel is lucky that I got to represent our community in Lansing for four years. I also feel tremendously grateful for the support this community has shown me and my family through my years as sheriff, county commissioner, and state representative.
This community has given me a lot of opportunities, and it was an honor to be able to serve. I hope everyone will join me in wishing my successor well.
I’m still your representative in Lansing for the next few months and I take that seriously. My team and I are still going to be available if you need help with any constituent issues.
I don’t expect much to happen legislatively, honestly, because we’ve already gotten word from the Democrats who control the House that the next real session day won’t be until mid-September. But I’m still working to get my veterans mental health package across the finish line; that’s a major priority.
Most real action won’t take place until lame duck. That refers to the period of time between the general election in November and the start of the new term in January. That’s also traditionally when the party in control tries to ram through a whole bunch of stuff that they want but they know is unpopular, which is why they wait to do it until after the election is over.
Given that there’s a strong possibility control of the House flips next term, lame duck could be eventful.

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