Michigan House Republicans

State Rep. Pauline Wendzel and Rob Cleveland of the Cornerstone Alliance testify in support of Rep. Wendzel’s Michigan Competitiveness package.

Back in the Arena
RELEASE|April 11, 2023

As legislators return to Lansing after an in-district work period, I want to reflect on the state of our state and the direction in which we are headed. I believe it’s past time for the Democrat majority to put aside partisan politics and focus on what truly matters: the well-being of all Michiganders.

In the first 100 days of this legislative session, partisanship has been rampant, with nearly every piece of legislation passing with little to no Republican support. As a result, many Michiganders from rural communities like ours are feeling left out and ignored. This is absolutely not the way to govern a state as purple as Michigan.

As I traveled throughout Southwest Michigan, I heard from many constituents who are fed up with what they’ve seen out of Lansing.  They want a government that works for them, not against them. They want a government that values individual liberty, personal responsibility, and civil liberties. They want their voices heard, and they want a government that prioritizes commonsense solutions over partisan politics.

I believe in the power of small government and individual liberty. I believe that this country was founded on the principle of freedom, and that freedom stands opposed to constraints.  I believe that the bigger the government, the more the constraints, and that creates a society with less freedom for its citizens. I believe that some legislators only want to make a statement, but that you sent me to Lansing to make a difference.

As this term moves forward, I will continue to prioritize and vote for legislation that embodies these beliefs. As legislators prepare to get back in the arena, I believe that we can and must do better than what we’ve seen in these first 100 days. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office at 517-373-1799 or [email protected] to share your thoughts, comments, and concerns with me.

Michigan House Republicans

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