Michigan House Republicans
2024 Priorities
RELEASE|January 4, 2024

By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel

When the House returns from the Democrats prolonged Christmas break, we’ll return with an even 54-54 split.  Two Democrat representatives decided to run for local office, which means that until their seats are filled in a special election, their party will be down two members.  This also means that there will be a temporary halt on the far-left progressive policies that have passed on party-line votes since the majority party will need at least one Republican vote to move a bill to the Governor’s desk. 

As we prepare to start the new term, I want to share just a few of my priorities that I hope will finally move now that we’re in divided government.

Energy Policy

In the closing hours of session last year, Democrats passed a radical energy package that will drive rates up for Michigan residents while decreasing the reliability of our already fragile grid.  Already, unintended consequences of the new law are beginning to creep up, and I’m hopeful that we can fix some of these issues while actually addressing the real problem our state faces – a faulty distribution grid.  I’ve drafted legislation to create the Distribution Legacy Improvement Fund, which will provide low-interest loans to utility companies to improve the grid.  Instead of the handouts and grants from the past, utility companies will now have skin in the game and be held accountable for power outages. 

Additionally, I’ve had legislation to make Michigan a leader in 21st Century energy policy. My legislation supports the creation and development of advanced small modular nuclear reactors.  This legislation has been sitting in committee for more than 6 months, and I’m hopeful we can move this to help bring on more reliable baseload generation for our state.


Every student, regardless of their zip code, deserves a world class education, and parents deserve to be a part of it.  As legislation moves through the House Education Committee, I’ll remain focused on policies that teach our kids the basics and make them competitive in today’s job market.

Cost of Living

The cost of daily life continues to rise, and Democrats celebrated the start of the new year by raising income taxes on hardworking Michigan families.  Lawsuits are still pending challenging the Democrats tax hike, but my commitment is to make sure you keep more of your hard-earned money and that Lansing lives within its means. 

Serving you is an honor, and I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of Southwest Michigan residents in the coming year.  As always, if you have any questions, comments, or need help with any state agencies, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 517-373-1799 or at [email protected].

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