Measure bans dismemberment abortion
The state House today approved a plan introduced by Rep. Lynn Afendoulis to protect the dignity of life and unborn children by banning dismemberment abortions in Michigan.
A dismemberment abortion is an abortion in which a health care worker intentionally dismembers a living fetus in the uterus in order for it to be extracted. The legislation from Afendoulis is part of a plan to ban the procedure and create penalties for violators.
“This is not about our rights as women. This is about our humanity. Where else, in any norm or more or practice or law, is it acceptable to torture and dismember a living thing?” said Afendoulis, of Grand Rapids Township. “This practice is gruesome. It is inhumane. And, outrageously, it is unnecessary. It must stop.”
Twelve states already have had legislation signed into law that bans dismemberment abortions.
According to data published by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, there were 1,777 dismemberment abortions, also called dilation and evacuation abortions, in Michigan in 2017. That is nearly five per day.
House Bill 4321 now moves to the Senate for consideration.

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